Recommended Reading



Dictionary of Natural Foods, By William Esser_LI (3)

Dictionary of Natural Foods

By William Esser


Nutrition and Physical Degeneration

by Weston Price, D.D.S.

toxemia explained by john tilden

Toxemia Explained

By John Tilden

Books By Herbert Shelton:

Natural Hygiene: The Pristine Way of Life

The Science and Fine Art of Natural Hygiene

Health for the Millions

The Science and Fine Art of Food and Nutrition

Goldberg Clinic Booklets

To order any or all of the booklets please call 770-974-7470.  Payment can be made by credit card, check or money order for $10.00 for each booklet or $50.00 for the entire six-booklet set.  Orders made from outside the United States and Canada require an additional mailing fee.

The Systemic Effects of Gastrointestinal Dysfunction

Proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is critical to good health and the reversal of chronic disease conditions. This booklet is a primer as to how to begin reversing gastrointestinal complaints and maintain digestive health.

Skin Disorders: A Mirror of Our Internal Environment

Skin disorders are generally a reflection of deeper metabolic issues.  This booklet teaches foundational steps that need to be addressed in those with skin disorders in order to enjoy improved general and dermatological health.

Bumps on the Journey

Understanding symptoms that can occur on the road back to good health.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Garbage Can Diagnosis

Chronic Fatigue is further evidence of our disconnection to earth.

Rheumatoid Diseases: 

Dr. Goldberg writes this from the heart having had rheumatoid disease himself.  In addition, he completed his graduate thesis at the University of Texas on the topic, taught and lectured on the topic for over thirty years and has worked with thousands of patients successfully with these conditions.  Causes, approaches, gastrointestinal implications, hazards of common drug approaches, how to begin the journey back to health, and case studies are all included.

Fibromyalgia: Another Name for Impaired Health

Dedicated to understanding the key factors behind this common symptom and how to address it.