
Mr. Jeffrey Russell presented at the Goldberg Tener Clinic in January 2020 with a medical diagnosis of Ulcerative Colitis confirmed by colonoscopy and blood work (see before / after labs below). His symptoms began after taking a "preventive antibiotic" following the removal of a cyst...

Part I and Part II of this series examined the nature of Rheumatoid Arthritis, how Rheumatoid Disorders have been poorly addressed and looked at some of the common Causal Factors contributing to it. In Part Three, The Goldberg Bio-Hygienic Re-Creation System™ (GBHRS) and how it...

The Medical and Alternative Medical Fields have long “treated” the symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis as opposed to identifying and addressing the causes behind them. They have made perpetual patients of persons with Rheumatoid Arthritis rather than reversing their disease and restoring their health....

It has been over forty years since I became immersed in the study, teaching and clinical practice of helping patients afflicted with Rheumatoid Disorders. In this three part series I will share how I came to develop the clinical approach we employ and why it...

Caleb came to see us in January of 2020 suffering with Ulcerative Colitis and facing a lifetime of drug therapy and medical dependency. His recovery illustrates that Inflammatory Bowel Disease, whether termed Ulcerative Colitis or Crohn’s Disease, is not a hopeless situation. Most patients, with...

Carol came to the Goldberg Tener Clinic from Alabama in 2018 and successfully reversed her chronic health issues (chronic indigestion, hormonal imbalances and chronic fatigue). The video interview above (shot in 2019) discusses the many improvements she experienced while following our guidance. How is Carol doing now...