Allergies: Obtain Real Improvement Rather than Treating Symptoms

Allergies: Obtain Real Improvement Rather than Treating Symptoms

Paul A. Goldberg, MPH, DC, DACBN, DCBCN
The Goldberg Tener Clinic For Chronic Disease Reversal

“For those with allergy/immune/autoimmune related issues, the additional burden posed by a cascade of pollens has the potential for stimulating their immune systems and exacerbating problems such as inflammatory bowel diseases, rheumatoid problems, asthma, chronic fatigue issues, etc., to the point that they can be the “straw that broke the camel’s back.”

An assault has begun in the U.S. that causes significant hardships to millions of us. This threat comes in the form of trillions of grains of tree, grass and flower pollens that have already begun this year to place many people in a sea of misery.

Those who do not suffer from seasonal allergies can have trouble appreciating the extent of suffering those with these problems endure, ranging from mild discomforts to life threatening issues. For those with allergy/immune/autoimmune related issues, the additional burden posed by a cascade of pollens has the potential for stimulating their immune systems and exacerbating problems such as inflammatory bowel diseases, rheumatoid problems, asthma, chronic fatigue issues, etc., to the point that they can be the “straw that broke the camel’s back.” The relationship between pollen/environmental sensitivities and autoimmune issues is well illustrated by the following case study from the Goldberg Tener Clinic, “A Hard Won Recovery from Crohn’s Disease.”

In the Southeast U.S. where pollens are particularly high throughout the year, the assault has begun (started in January this year!) and will generally continue at an elevated level till mid-June when a lowering of the tree pollens normally occurs. For many the reprieve will be short as soon afterwards come grass and weed pollens. I have noted, along with other practitioners, an increase in illness and even hospital admissions during the pollen season among those with immune system problems exacerbated by the pollen’s arrival.

A number of things can be done to help patients with seasonal allergies or with conditions aggravated by them. Most important and often overlooked, is to take steps to improve the general health both prior to and during the allergy season. Behaviors which support the immune system & the gastrointestinal tract  (in which 75% of the immune system resides) and the endocrine system are important in this regard. Those with allergies who enter the pollen season in good health will fare far better than those who enter into the season run down or exhausted. If you have entered the season in poor health, however, there are still measures that can be taken to help you get through the season more easily.

Measures for Patients to Take

1)  Sufficient sleep: Few things will more quickly run down the immune and endocrine systems and make the allergic patient more susceptible to allergic influences, than a sleep deficit. A well-rested person finds their ability to withstand pollens much greater than those who burning the candle at both ends.

2)  Dietary Measures – All nutrients, including fatty acids, protein, vitamins and macro and trace minerals work together in supporting immune, gastrointestinal and endocrine function. Particularly important in allergy support is to maintain stable blood sugar levels and support the endocrine system. Avoiding refined carbohydrates is critical along with maintaining an adequate but not excessive protein intake. The right fats, focusing on the omega six to omega 3 ratio is important. A fatty acid analysis done through The Goldberg Tener Clinic can assess if a patient is at risk in regards to their fatty acid cellular status and then take appropriate steps to correct. Also important is efficient digestion, which we look at carefully from a functional perspective.

3)  Overeating puts additional stress on the liver and overburdens the GI tract making allergic responses more apt to occur and should be avoided.

4)  Supplementation – this should be based on the individual. A hypoallergenic multiple vitamin mineral supplement, extra Vitamin C, appropriate digestive enzymes, and supplements to help stabilize overactive mast cells are worthy of consideration.

5)  Environmental Measures – Avoid being outside during the heaviest pollen periods and shower thoroughly (including washing of the hair) after pollen exposure and prior to bedtime. The use of a room or whole house air filter suitable for removing pollen is often helpful.

6)  Avoidance of Toxins – Alcohol, tobacco, junk foods and many drugs further complicate the body’s ability to deal with the stress of environmental allergens.

7)  Rest, Relaxation and Stress Avoidance – Emotional stressors, particularly when prolonged can deplete our adrenal reserves, further imbalance the immune system, throw blood sugar levels into a tizzy…in short, make us more susceptible to the ravages of the pollen season.

8)  Professional Care – This is the time of year when those patients with allergies are most apt to benefit from spinal adjusting, massage, dietary advice, specific supplement recommendations and general health counseling.

If over the counter or prescription anti-histamines or steroids are employed, the need for an excellent nutritional program with supplemental protective nutrients becomes much more important as these drugs place additional burdens upon the health of the body.

The Goldberg Tener Clinic performs comprehensive biochemical analyses including both complete Food and Inhalent Allergy Testing to develop workable solutions to resolving Allergic/Immune issues. See before/after pictures above and Allergic/Autoimmune case studies here. Problems with allergies are not just a matter of identifying the allergies, but importantly also addressing the root causes of allergies so that in the future the patient is able to be exposed to allergens without having significant abnormal reactions. Much of this involves improving the patient’s general health including digestive and immune functions.

The suggestions discussed can go a long ways in promoting your well being and obtaining additional protection to make the allergy season much more tolerable and both entering and exiting it with a higher level of vitality.

Paul A. Goldberg, MPH, DC, DACBN, DCBCN
The Goldberg Tener Clinic 

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