31 Dec Turning Healthcare into Self-Care
Case Summary: Ulcerative Colitis/Crohn’s Disease
August 2013
Patient came to the Goldberg Tener Clinic from Chicago with medical diagnoses of Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis. The patient had previously been treated medically with Biological Drugs (Enbrel, Remicaide) and Prednisone as per his Gastroenterologist. At the Goldberg Tener Clinic, a comprehensive case history, physical examination and functional laboratory work was performed and key underlying factors were identified. Based on the data collected, an individualized program was developed for the patient to follow. After 3 months of care, the patient is drug free and reports a 70% improvement in his symptoms.
Letter from patient one year later:
August 2014
Hi Dr. Tener,
It has been such a long time since I’ve updated you on how I am doing. I guess the reason I haven’t been in touch with you sooner is that I haven’t needed to! This summer I was working in Santa Barbara and had a great time.
I had also mentioned to you a while back that I was hoping to get a job at Juilliard in NYC. I did end up getting that job and just moved here two weeks ago. I can honestly say that one of the biggest contributing factors to me getting better was working. When I am busy is when I seem to do best.
Thank you so much for the tools that you and Dr. Goldberg gave me. Now that I am getting settled I hope to continue to make progress. I finally feel like I have some control over my health and life. It’s almost hard to remember how just one year ago I wasn’t even able to leave my house.
Hope you are well!
“Real Healthcare is Self-Care”
At the Goldberg Tener Clinic it is our goal to assist patients in getting well while at the same time teaching them how to stay well so that they can begin to take care of themselves in the future. We worked closely with Matt as we do with all of our patients to teach him the proper health promoting behaviors to maintain the improvements he’s made and continue to build upon them over time.
No one should have to rely on doctors of any kind (including those at the Goldberg Tener Clinic) for the rest of their lives. Real healthcare is self-care.
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