At the Goldberg Tener Clinic we see patients with chronic skin conditions of many types and yet we never “treat” skin conditions. Rather than treat the outside layer of the body (the skin) as is commonly done in medical and alternative approaches, we seek out and address causal factors responsible for a patient’s impaired health. It is rare to find a patient with chronic skin problems who does not also have other complaints as well. Indigestion, fatigue, constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating, depression, lack of appetite, insomnia, headaches, migraines, arthritis, muscular pains, back aches, irregular menses and allergies are all just a few of the many complaints we find that accompany a variety of skin disorders. It is in determining what the functional causes of these problems are and in addressing them that serves us best in laying the ground work for returning the skin as well as the entire body to good health.
The important message to convey to those with dermatological afflictions is that most chronic skin conditions are issues that go more than “skin deep,” and should be addressed in more than a superficial manner. The skin is reflective of the general state of health and well being of the body. It is a mirror of our vitality and body wide efficiency. The skin is nourished by the same blood that is circulated to all the other tissues of the body and relies on the same organs and glands of the body (e.g. the GI tract, the immune system and the endocrine system) for its well-being.
The following case studies include those who have been medically diagnosed with a variety of chronic skin disorders including Psoriasis, Eczema, Dermatitis, Dermatomyositis etc. Many of these patients had previously been to medical and alternative medical physicians and undergone drug therapy which failed to bring about improvement in their condition and generally resulted in a further decline in their state of health. Improvements in each case resulted from addressing causal factors and employing health promoting nutritional and Bio-Hygienic™ steps to Re-Create the Body™, not through the treatment of any medical condition.